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Teen Patti Master: Understanding the Basics of Betting Terms

To become a master Teen Patti player, it's crucial to familiarise yourself with the key betting terms associated with the game. Whether you engage in live games or play online, having a solid grasp of these terms will give you an advantage over those who are unfamiliar with them. In this article, we will delve into the commonly used Teen Patti betting terms, providing clear explanations for each term. By understanding these terms, you'll enhance your understanding of the game and elevate your gameplay.

Betting Terms in Teen Patti

Whether it's comprehending the stake as the amount risked, adhering to the betting limits, or deciding to fold and forfeit a hand, a solid understanding of Teen Patti's betting terms enhances players' overall experience and increases their chances of success at the table.


The term "ante" refers to a mandatory bet that all players must place at the beginning of each round or hand. The ante is a predetermined amount that serves as the initial pot or prize pool for that particular round. Before the cards are dealt, every player at the table is required to contribute an equal amount as the ante. This ensures that there is a stake in the game and encourages active participation from all players.


Similar to ante, blind is a type of forced bet that is placed by one or more players before the cards are dealt. In online Teen Patti, the blind is a predetermined amount that players must contribute to the pot without having seen their cards.


A “call” is an action made by a player during betting rounds to match the current bet made by another player. When a player decides to call, it means they are willing to contribute an amount equal to the previous bet to stay in the hand and continue playing. The call is made after a player has observed the bets made by previous players in the round. By calling, the player ensures that they remain eligible to win the pot and continue participating in the current hand.


When a player wishes to increase the current bet made by another player, that player is choosing to “raise”. When a player decides to raise, it means they are willing to increase the stakes and require all subsequent players to match the new, higher bet in order to continue playing.


The pot refers to the cumulative amount of money or chips that players contribute during a round of betting. The pot serves as the prize pool that players compete for, and it is awarded to the player or players with the best-ranking hand at the end of the round. As the betting progresses, players place their bets and contribute their chips to the pot. This includes the initial mandatory bets such as the ante, blinds, and subsequent voluntary bets made during the betting rounds.

Limits and Betting Structures

Some games implement a limit (or lack of) a limit that can influence the amount of money that players can place into the pot. This refers to the maximum amount a player is allowed to bet or raise at any point in the game.

Pot Limit

Some games may implement a “pot limit”, which refers to a specific betting structure that restricts the maximum amount a player can bet or raise to the current size of the pot. In this betting structure, the bets are limited by the total amount of chips or money that has accumulated in the pot during the course of the game.

No Limit

As the name implies, "no limit" refers to a specific betting structure where there are no restrictions on the maximum bet or raise a player can make during the game. In this format, players are free to wager any amount of chips or money they have available at any time.

Minimum Betting Limit

The minimum betting limit represents the smallest amount of chips or money that a player is required to contribute to the pot when placing a bet or making a raise. It ensures that there is a minimum stake or investment in the game. The minimum bet is usually set at the beginning of the game or round.

Maximum Betting Limit

The maximum bet represents the largest amount of chips or money that a player is allowed to wager in a single bet or raise. It serves as an upper limit on the betting size and helps prevent excessively large bets that could potentially disrupt the game's dynamics.

Other Betting Terms


In the game of Teen Patti, the term "boot" refers to the initial mandatory bet that each player is required to contribute to the pot at the beginning of a hand. The boot is a fixed amount that serves as the minimum stake to start the game and initiate the betting rounds. It ensures that there is an initial pot to play for.


The "stake" refers to the amount of money or chips that a player risks or invests in a particular game or hand. It represents the value that each player puts at risk in the hope of winning the pot.

Table Stakes

“Table stake" refers to the maximum amount of money or chips that a player can bring to the table or have in their possession while playing the game. It represents the limit on the total stake a player can have at any given time during the game. The table stake is typically set to ensure that players have a sufficient amount of chips or money to continue participating in the game and make meaningful bets. It helps maintain a certain level of competitiveness and ensures that players cannot continuously reload or add more chips beyond the predefined limit.

Applying Your Knowledge to Teen Patti Online

Once you've gained a comprehensive understanding of what each of these ante-related terms means, you're almost ready to be playing for real cash. Take the next step by downloading Teen Patti Master today and embark on your gaming adventure. Enjoy the convenience of playing against opponents from around the globe, all from the comfort of your own home.